Off topic

October 13th, 2008

  1. To comment, you no longer need to register, just type "y" to confirm you're a human. Thanks to Aristotle Pagaltzis for pointing out that the previous arrangement sucked.
  2. I've started another blog, mostly hosting images. For example:


I originally intended to have one blog for everything, but since you've probably subscribed for the technobabble, I'll reserve the channel for that.

1. EliOct 13, 2008

Managing two blogs is a pain.

You'd be better off defining categories in one blog. WordPress allows to subscribe to a feed of only one category, so people only interested in tech would just see that.

This is the way the various Planet services pick up feeds from blogs, i.e. Python.

2. Yossi KreininOct 13, 2008

I might have had it worked that way, however, by now people already subscribed to the uncategorized feed, and asking them to unsubscribe and resubscribe is kinda rude, I find. This does have a nice side-effect of having Proper Fixation load faster because of not having images.

3. AdamOct 15, 2008

Randall Monroe (jokingly) suggested a similar approach a year and a half ago: . I hope it's actually effective.

4. AdamOct 15, 2008

Whoops, I assumed HTML would be disabled and surrounded the URL in angle brackets. Here's the URL I meant to include:

5. Yossi KreininOct 15, 2008

Security by obscurity never fails. Also, I'm no racist, as long as someone/something understands English well enough to figure out the "Human?" input area, I'll happily chat with it.

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